There is nothing-no circumstance, no trouble, no-testing that can ever touch me until, first of all it has gone past God and past Christ right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a GREAT PURPOSE, which I may not understand at the moment. As I refuse to become panicky, as I lift my eyes up to Him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever disturb me, no trial will ever disarm me, no circumstance will ever cause me to fret-for I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is- that is the rest of VICTORY!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Beautiful Things....

When I started following Jesus I was a mess, come to think of it I'm still a mess. The difference now and then is that I no longer sit in the pain, brokenness and despair but surrender it. My past is my past and with the Lords healing and redemption He has the ability to rewrite my ending. I always thought people in the church had it all together. I figured they never made mistakes, their relationships were perfect, they never struggled with addictions, debt, depression, tragedies or health battles. When I decided I was desperate to change not because I thought I could obtain a holy life but because not one ounce of my being could be kept in the brokenness anymore I then found Jesus. I surrendered each burden, mistake, shame, fear, and pain to the Lord in that very moment and still daily find myself bowed at the foot of the cross doing it all over again. 

Its a daily process of surrendering me and my mess to Him and allowing the power of His love to transform me. Its about taking it one step at a time and one battle at a time but believing by surrendering to a God who loves me unconditionally that His strength will lift me up and set me free from the strongholds this world has tried to place on me. Its about daily saying "Jesus I am so unworthy but thank You for loving me." Some days are easier than others, some days I find myself hourly surrendering over and over the things that God is trying to untangle my slaved being from. Each day we are faced with a battle and like the battles of our country its easier to take on the enemy with an army opposed to doing it on our own. The church is our army, full of broken, wounded, tired people. People that have all traveled a difficult journey and have a goal in mind to defeat the enemy and accomplish victory. Those people with whom you can huddle together in the heat of the battle and help support and lift each other up is a blessing from God. During some of my darkest moments God has used my church family as my cheerleaders. I am thankful for an amazing church, amazing friends, a supportive community group and people who I can share my life with. With the battle ahead and the trials of life each day I am so thankful for support of our church. A place that we call our home and friends that have become our family. Thank You Jesus today for taking messy, wounded and broken people and using our stories for something beautiful. Thank You that church isnt about having it all together but being broken, healed and restored in Your hands. 

May the cry of our hearts be this: "You bring hope you bring life, awaken hearts open eyes. With our voices hear them rise, we call these dry bones to come alive. You are faithful you are true, we can always run to you. Love that never fails arms that never close, blood that covers sin, grace that never ends. You have saved us, You have won. Sin is broken, death is gone. Freedom's found us breakthrough's near, in your presence no more fear." Our Savior's here!!!!"

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