There is nothing-no circumstance, no trouble, no-testing that can ever touch me until, first of all it has gone past God and past Christ right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a GREAT PURPOSE, which I may not understand at the moment. As I refuse to become panicky, as I lift my eyes up to Him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever disturb me, no trial will ever disarm me, no circumstance will ever cause me to fret-for I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is- that is the rest of VICTORY!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What can stand aginst....

There is a pretty popular worship song right now called "Our God is Greater." I love this song and feel like the words are so annointed and powerful. The song describes the power of Christ and how if our God is for us then nothing can be against us.

We need reminded this often as humans. I know for me right now with medical testing tomorrow and the fear of whats ahead I have to keep telling myself that God is bigger than the circumstances of whatever is ahead. I talked about this yesterday but it seems like we spend so much time as humans living in fear. It can be crippling if we allow it to overtake us. "Fear is the opposite of faith. We receive from the enemy through fear, and we receive from God through faith. Fear is the enemy's brand of faith, his counterfeit of it. In other words, we can know and do God's will through placing our faith in Him, but we can cooperate with the devil's plan through fear. When we are afraid, we may fail to do what God wants us to do and, instead, end up doing what the devil wants us to do," Joyce Meyers.

Satan will use every inch we give him as a foothold in our lives and fear is a big one. If we live in fear it allows our minds to shift from a place of faith and trust into a place of independence and worry. We are human and its natural for us to be fearful about the unknown but when we come to a place of worry we need take it to the cross and trust that Jesus has died to protect us from Satans schemes. "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8

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