“Oh please mommy all my friends have it.” The magic phrase
that shoots like a fiery dart straight towards any parent’s heart. The
statement that against all others holds the most leverage in the eyes of kids
because to them being like their friends is everything. This statement was
thrown out in the midst of a battle against Macie vs Mommy/Daddy over TEXTING,
yes you heard me right texting!
Macie through a series of events was given my old iPhone
which she uses as her iPod and apparently there is an app available that allows
you to put texting on your iPod. She has mentioned it before but I just
shrugged it off hoping it wouldn’t turn into a “major” discussion but this week
when she mentioned it again I realized it wasn’t going to be that simple. I’m
still not real sure how much 8 year olds could possibly have to discuss in
their lives that they need texting but for whatever the reason this was the
reasoning behind yesterday’s volcanic eruption of emotions in the Cameron
household complete with tears and for one of the first times ever I can
remember Macie being totally ticked off at me .
As you can imagine the eruption wasn’t the result of Macie’s
joy at our answer but instead total disdain because of those two simple letters
N-O. Of course we tried the whole nice
guy approach and tried reasoning with her and making her understand it wasn’t
because we don’t trust her that we are saying no but it’s merely for her safety
and because we don’t trust the world. Through Macie’s eyes though that wasn’t
the right answer and she wasn’t satisfied with our decision and at the end of
it I felt like the wicked witch of the west taping my fingers together making
that creepy “I’m out to get you” laugh. I’m pretty sure on t.v. you never see
it unfold like this but instead whenever the parents make a decision the kids
don’t agree with they look like a superhero full of love, joy and wisdom that
the kids eat up and welcome with open arms, yet somehow that’s not how it
happened here.
As I was getting a shower and ready for bed last night I
just had a really heavy heart for how things had played out and I felt so
bummed and frustrated with the whole situation. I wasn’t second guessing the
decision Scott and I made to say no to the texting but I felt unsatisfied with
how the discussion ended and the way Macie received our answer. So after a few
hours had passed I decided to go upstairs and crawl in bed to her and try to
talk over the situation again with her in hopes something would be resolved and
she wouldn’t be mad at me anymore and I could feel the uneasiness in my heart
lifted. I explained to Macie that I love her more than she could possibly ever
realize and that my heart felt burdened and heavy at the thought of ever
failing to protect her. I tried explaining that she was a little girl and part
of texting holds great responsibility that I know she could handle in some ways
and we trust her and know she is a good kid but as her mommy and daddy it’s our
job to handle all that messy stuff right now while she is little and we just
want her to be carefree and a kid and not have to worry about grown up stuff
yet. As the conversation ended I felt better about things and prayed last night
for God to give me wisdom daily to know the right answers and to do the best I
could as her protector and leader to make hard decisions even when she doesn’t
As I rolled out of bed this morning I noticed there was a
card laying on my pillow that Macie had made for me and she placed one on
Scotts pillow as well and inside she wrote:
“Dear Mom, Thank you
for trying to keep me safe. I understand the point about the texting junk,
again thanks J “
<3 Mac
Wow, I instantly had to hold back tears at the sight of her
precious card that brought affirmation to my heart more than she could ever
know. I started thinking about how often even as a grown up that my heavenly
father tries to protect me from the things of this world and guide me through
paths that I may not understand and how difficult that can be. There are times
I would like to throw a temper tantrum and ask “why?” There are times I don’t quite
get it when God says no to something I’m asking for or starting down a
direction in life I feel like is right and He says no. I realized that like the
battle with my precious Macie that God knows more than I know, He is wiser and
loves me more than I can imagine and longs only to provide the very best
blessings and future for my life and I may not see the whole picture but only
have pieces to the puzzle but He does.
my thoughts are not your thoughts,
are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. “As the
heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
my thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9
I felt this conviction fall over me that instead of fighting
against His perfect will I need to be obedient to Him and with gratitude be
thankful for His guidance in my life. I need to write these words on the wall
of my heart:
“Dear God, thank you
for trying to keep me safe I understand your point, thanks again.”
<3 Amber
“Father God, I want to thank You for Your sovereign power in
my life, that You arrange all circumstances-past, present, and future-for good
for me because I love You and am called according to Your purposes (Romans
8:28). It gives me great assurance and security in You to know that You know
the plans You have for me. I also can rest in the fact that You want only the
best for me, a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) Help to remember that Your
provision is all encompassing, Amen” Elizabeth George.